How Yoga and Mindfulness Supports Overall Well-Being

Yoga and mindfulness can both be powerful tools to help children of all ages achieve a greater sense of wellbeing. Yoga is often seen as an exercise form, providing physical benefits such as increased flexibility and strength, but it also offers much more than that. Through the practice of yoga, kids are able to learn how to better manage their emotions and stress levels, increase their self-awareness, improve focus and concentration, and develop positive coping skills for life’s challenges.


Mindfulness is another tool which can help childrenbbecome more aware of their thoughts, feelings and physical sensations in orderto gain greater control over how they respond to situations. By guiding kidsthrough mindfulness activities such as meditation or breathwork, they can learnhow to slow down their racing minds and create spaciousness within themselvesthat's necessary for true relaxation. Mindfulness also helps children recognizewhen they're in the present moment so that they can make conscious decisionsabout how best to manage difficult feelings without acting out or gettingoverwhelmed. 


The combination of yoga and mindfulness enables kids to develop skills which promote a healthier lifestyle both physically and mentally. Kids are encouraged to move mindfully while exploring poses in a safe environment where they feel supported by caring professionals. This helps build trust with themselves and others which leads to increased confidence in unfamiliar situations. The breathing exercises associated with yoga gives them the ability to rapidly relax while the mindful awareness developed through minfulness allows them access into their own inner wisdom enabling them to make smart choices off the mat as well. 


In summary, by practicing yoga and mindfulness regularly kids can become empowered with tools that support physical health, mental clarity, emotional understanding and overall wellbeing.


So, how do we incorporate these powerful practices into everyday curriculum?


Little Yogis Academy seeks to bridge the gap between traditional education and holistic well-being. Our experienced teachers work with kids to offer an engaging, holistic approach to learning that encourages each child's unique strengths and abilities. We aim to make sure all students have an opportunity to explore their potential in a dynamic and creative setting where they can learn essential life skills.


Our curriculum consists of a number of activities that bring yoga and mindfulness off the mat. We utilize breathing exercises, movement, storytelling, music, games and more to teach these tools in an age-appropriate way. We also invite students to practice these skills in their everyday lives.


From problem-solving and self-regulation to compassion, creativity, and resilience, we believe that fostering emotional intelligence isas important for our kids' success as academic achievement. With this in mind, we work hard to ensure that our programs provide a comprehensive approach to learning.


Visit our programs page for an in depth look at our school and childcare program, or email us at for more information on how we can work with you and your specific needs.

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